Project: Molecular Mechanism and Regulation of Migration of Porcine Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells
Project Category: International Cooperation in Science and Technology Collaborative of Innovation and Platform Construction of Guangdong (2016)
Cooperator:The Ohio State University
Project Leader: Wang Xiuqi
Abstract: The migration of skeletal muscle satellite cells involves the dynamic mechanism of muscle fiber formation, which is closely related to the growth of muscle fibers after birth. The reporting institution makes the most of the existing conditions and advantages of foreign cooperator to explore the molecular mechanism of action by comparing the difference of migration ability of Lantang and Landrace pigs of skeletal muscle satellite cells and high-throughput screening the key factor /signaling pathway. The regulation mechanism is explored by testing satellite cells with different treatment factors. From the perspective of cell migration, the project is to analyze the mechanism of muscle fiber formation and to provide basis for the regulation of high quality pork production. It is of great significance to further promote international cooperation and enhance the research level of reporting institution.
Project Category: International Cooperation in Science and Technology Collaborative of Innovation and Platform Construction of Guangdong (2016)
Cooperator:The Ohio State University
Project Leader: Wang Xiuqi
Abstract: The migration of skeletal muscle satellite cells involves the dynamic mechanism of muscle fiber formation, which is closely related to the growth of muscle fibers after birth. The reporting institution makes the most of the existing conditions and advantages of foreign cooperator to explore the molecular mechanism of action by comparing the difference of migration ability of Lantang and Landrace pigs of skeletal muscle satellite cells and high-throughput screening the key factor /signaling pathway. The regulation mechanism is explored by testing satellite cells with different treatment factors. From the perspective of cell migration, the project is to analyze the mechanism of muscle fiber formation and to provide basis for the regulation of high quality pork production. It is of great significance to further promote international cooperation and enhance the research level of reporting institution.